At our school, many kids play sports but they play for other schools besides ACE. I interviewed three ACE students who play different types of sports.
Valentina being the first person I interviewed, she said she really enjoys her sports. Valentina said that she enjoys her sports because you get to have fun and you meet new people. Valentina plays three different sports. She swims, plays softball, and runs track. She thinks this is so important because sports help her stay focused and distract her from any problems.
Another student, Taylor, said similar things to what Valentina said. During Taylor’s interview, she mentioned how starting new sports can lead you to enjoy meeting new people. She said the best thing about running track is that she feels good about achieving her goals. Taylor is a new athlete so she is experiencing a bunch of new things. I asked her if sports motivate her and Taylor said, “It does because I’m doing something active and I really enjoy it. I’m not at home bored.”
Our last student, Rakesh, plays football and basketball. He started playing sports when he was nine years old. Rakesh said sports are important to him because of his father. He said that the best part about playing sports is winning and having fun while playing. Rakesh said that being a part of a team and communicating with teammates makes him the happiest.
All our athletes in the school have similarities in what they love about their sports. You can tell they are very passionate about why they play. We are very proud of them. #ACEStrong