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The Alternative Times

The Alternative Times

Ludmila Conceicao

Ludmila Conceicao, Staff Writer

A Tell-all Interview with Ludmila

On September 2nd of 2022, I sat down with Ludmila at ACE for an interview in order to learn the must-know details about her. After asking Ludmila a series of questions and recording her responses in a journal, I was able to learn both  new and surprising information about her. This new information included her future aspirations, food preferences, and even one of her secret talents.

    Starting off our interview with a compelling fun-fact, Ludmila had an unexpected detail to share in relation to her first name. “It comes from Russia,” she stated, “you can call me Lulu.” Upon inquiring about her goals for the future, Lulu walked me through her future ploy to achieve the American dream. “I want to become a housewife, but with other plans, you know?” she proclaimed. If this game plan doesn’t play out how she expects, however, Lulu believes her hidden talent for finding jobs would come to her aid.

During our interview, Ludmila was anything but shy about her opinions on food. In fact, rather than your typical chocolate or vanilla enjoyer, Lulu’s go-to flavor is strawberry. When asked about her pick between pancakes and McDonald’s Egg McMuffins, she exclaimed, “You just don’t compare those two things. Any sane person would pick pancakes, right?” She expressed a similar strong opinion when asked about Starburst in comparison to Skittles. “Is this even a question? Starburst!” she declared happily. 

Throughout our discussion, Ludmila seemed more than eager to discuss every detail I inquired about her. Interviewing her was a one-of-a-kind experience I am incredibly glad I got the chance to complete.

Written by Cole Ferrentino

All content by Ludmila Conceicao
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