ACE Varsity Basketball Players Say Thank You

Photo By Coach Jackie DiNardo

Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023. Coach Jackie DiNardo, her senior team, and their supporters.

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, two of Danbury’s ACE senior students and basketball players, Genesis Aybar and Ariana Manforte, thanked and acknowledged their ACE teacher supporters at a special ceremony during the basketball game. Glenda Armstrong, Anthony Hellmann, and John Webber were there to support their students.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023.

  • The Danbury (CT) varsity basketball team won Tuesday’s home conference game against Darien (CT) by a score of 51-30.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023.

  • The Danbury (CT) varsity basketball team won Tuesday’s home conference game against Darien (CT) by a score of 51-30.

  • The Danbury (CT) varsity basketball team won Tuesday’s home conference game against Darien (CT) by a score of 51-30.

  • Senior Teacher Appreciation Night 2/7/2023. Coach Jackie DiNardo, her senior team, and their supporters.

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Teacher Anthony expressed that he “was incredibly honored” and that, though he’s not type of person who likes to get public acknowledgement, he “appreciated the night a lot.” Genesis, whom he came to support, is in his guidance group. “This is what we do at ACE. If you are going to be a part of a community, this is what you do to support our community.”

Glenda, supporting Ariana, said that the night “was wonderful. To be appreciated by someone is an honor. Ariana is like her grandmother — she is strong, undefeatable, courageous, and able to see the bigger picture. I am honored to be honored by someone with those traits.”

ACE Principal John also said he was  honored to be a part of the ceremony. “I am proud of our two ACE students.” John, who was there for Ariana, said “I supported her by being consistent in her life. The feeling is mutual, as she is there for me as well.” Being consistent in life is the key, and both seem to hold that value.

The game was hosted at Danbury High School and played against Darien High. Danbury won, with a score of 51 to 30!