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The Alternative Times

The Alternative Times

Makayla Lisee-Oyola

Makayla Lisee-Oyola, Staff Writer

The individual 

 The life of your classmate

    As much as you’re aware of your own soul being alive, have you wondered how looking through someone else’s eyes and thoughts operate? We are all our own individuals which makes us different in our own unique way. 

 The day of August 31,2022 I interviewed our fellow classmate Makyla. Spelled “M,A,K,Y,L,A”. Makyla prefers the pronoun she/her. Her birthday is November 19th, 2003. When she grows up she inspires to be a farmer. I asked Makyla, what was the first thing that pops into her head when thinking about herself. She replied, “First thing that pops into my head is negative.”  This is important to know because this is how she truly feels about herself. Makylas favorite quote is, “Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove you can still stand”  by Monica Murohy. This quote articulates an important message of independence. 

 When interviewing Makyla, I asked what her favortie song was? Her answer to this was, Toxic thoughts by Faith Marie. Quotes from Makyla, “ this is my favorite song because my life relates to this song.” The reason why this is Makyla’s favorite song is because she finds it comforting that this artist is relatable to her life. Being an individual in your own world it’s easy to feel lonely in your own environment; it’s great to be reminded that you’re not the only one feeling the feelings that you feel.

Another interesting fact about Makyla’s universe is that eggs are not a part of it. Makyla hates eggs. With a passion. Makayla states, “I hate eggs.” A place where Makayla has never been too is the beach. She dislikes the beach anyway, due to the sand and a lot of crowded people. Makyla states, “I’ve never been to a beach, so I guess I’d rather be at the swimming pool.” This quote illustrates that in Makylas eyes, a swimming pool is better because there are fewer people and no sand. 

Knowing about Makyla and her interests gives us a slight perspective of how her life goes. None of us truly know what she thinks about because we aren’t her. Although our external world always reflects on our internal world. Looking at it from that perspective there is always a deeper meaning to your likings, rather you really noticed or not. It’s very easy to overlook the details about yourself when distracted by the outer world. Makyla’s life can be an example. From knowing her favorite color is yellow/pink to knowing if she likes going outside or inside. There is a reason why we are attracted to things in a positive or negative way. It’s simple if you choose it to be. Zoom into a magnifying glass when it comes to you. I bet your would find things that you never knew was there.

Written by Genesis Andujar Santana


All content by Makayla Lisee-Oyola
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