How it Feels to be Graduating from ACE
December 5, 2007
How does it feel to be graduating from the Alternative Center For Excellence? I am so glad to be graduating from the Alternative Center in January of 2009. ACE helps you with a lot of things. When you graduate from here they try to get everyone to either go to college, or do something after high school. They make you feel good about your self and let you know you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.
I asked three students that are graduating form ACE in January or June to let us know how they feel that they are graduating from The Alternative Center For Excellence. Emily Berkner says when she first started at ACE she wasn’t in a good place. She had just moved out of her home for 10 years and moved to a town that was completely different. She went to ACE for a new start and that’s exactly what she found. ACE has helped her learn about herself academically and otherwise she has become a stronger person because of the program and she can honestly say without ACE I wouldn’t be graduating.
Nikki Andrade said graduating from ACE feels amazing. I feel like I truly accomplished something. I can walk out of here feeling better about myself, feeling strong and I’m ready for whatever comes at me. This would of never happened if it wasn’t for every single person in my ACE family.
Amanda Hernandez say’s honestly she never use to see herself graduating high school. I use to always get in trouble get suspended and fail my classes. Since I started at ACE I’ve gotten myself together and matured enough to be guaranteed a spot at the June graduation. I don’t think I could be more proud of myself. I’m making honor roll grades and over 90% attendance, which is a big change from how I was at DHS. I’ve looked at colleges and have started saving up to pay for my classes. I am nervous about moving on from ACE, but I know that graduating is another positive thing that I’ve earned, and it means a lot to me.
Many students have their own reason why they feel the way they do about graduating from ACE and a lot of the students changed their life around after they came to ACE and some just do the same things and never change. Some students didn’t feel like they had a family till they came to ACE. When you come to ACE BRING IT BRING IT ALL a quote from our principal Dave Canavan and don’t worry we wont judge you we will help you.
(Author Unknown – did you write this? Let me know.)