Daniela Esposito’s guidance class started a holiday tradition a few years ago, to collect items for local charities. This year, the group voted on collecting supplies for a local animal shelter and, extending beyond the Danbury area, they decided to focus efforts on United States troops that are stationed overseas during the holidays.
The group invited all ACE students and families to start contributing donated items for the animal shelter and the troops on the 1st of December and continued through the 15th of December. Red boxes appeared in the hallways on each floor, schoolwide announcements were made, and posters, and flyers decorated the ACE walls.

“The ACE donations were given to PawSafe, an animal rescue organization located in Patterson, NY, just about thirty minutes by car from Danbury. Items collected included beds, food, and toys for cats and dogs.” Said Joanne Tolles. Pawsafe is an organization near and dear to the heart of ACE teacher, Joanne Tolles who adopted two of her dogs, Raven and Sparrow from the rescue.
Sharon Schreiber and Steve Mazza came to collect the boxes of donations from ACE on Tuesday, December 19th. As a treat, they brought with them two shelter puppies.
PawSafe invited ACE students to volunteer at future adoption events that will be held in 2024; the first one will be Saturday, January 13th in Carmel, NY. ACE student volunteers will be responsible for playing and caring for the puppies during the adoption events.

Items for the US Troops will be sent in a care package through Operation Gratitude. The items collected included thirty-six pairs of fun socks, several card games, puzzle books, and hacky sacks.
“Sure, it’s fun to receive presents,” said Guidance teacher, Daniela Esposito, “but It is important for students to know that there is great happiness in giving to and doing for others.”