Dean Esposito is a republican candidate who has also been the mayor of Danbury for the past term. He is a married American man with two children. He has raised his children in the Danbury Public School system; he himself also graduated from Danbury High School. Dean has accomplished a lot for the city in his term. He has fully funded our school system, renovated schools, hired lots of new police officers and he is also doing some road work.

Roberto Alves is the democratic candidate. He ran for mayor before in the last term but Dean won. Roberto is a married Brazilian man. Born in Brazil, he came over to the United States at the age of 5. He has two children who are currently enrolled in the Danbury public schools. Unlike Dean, Roberto has never been mayor but he has some good plans for the city like spreading more diversity and bettering school systems.
ACE had the opportunity to meet both candidates of the 2023 Danbury CT mayoral election : Roberto Alves and Dean Esposito. We got the amazing opportunity to meet these two great candidates because of our History teacher Rob Melillo who himself ran for zoning in Danbury CT.
I interviewed two students from ACE. The first one Khriselynn Rivera stated. “I really liked when Roberto mentioned bettering our school systems because I think it’s needed.”
The second student I interviewed was Navari Diroz and he said, “What stood out to me the most was when Dean said he had over 30 years of local government experience. It’s impressive.”
Rob was amazing to reach out to these two great men and invite them over to ACE so that students who were researching these two men could meet them and ask questions. The experience of meeting both of them was good. It opened my eyes to a lot things about how the city works and how two candidates going against each other speak. It gives me an understanding of what a mayor needs to do in order to have a successful city. This opportunity also helped me understand what a good mayor is and how professionalism can play a part in one’s presentation because the two had different demeanors and it showed how one has to present oneself.