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The Alternative Times

Breaking news written by the ACE Journalism Class and our friends

  • March 24SAVE THE DATE: Joe Pepin Day 2025 will be held on Saturday, May 17th!
  • March 24Spring Break is April 12-20th
  • January 9Quarter 3 Ends March 28th

The Alternative Times

The Alternative Times

2024-2025 Staff

Jamie Vargas
Staff Writer

Jamie Vargas

Jamie is a junior this year at ACE so he's in the year 2026!! He is very happy about that because 26 is his favorite number. The first thing you might notice about Jamie is that he is extremely quiet but once you get to know him...

Staff Writer

Cristian Cruz

Cristian is a senior at ace. He spends most of his free time with family or playing video games and currently works with his step-father as a mechanic. Cristian would also be referred to as cris but either name is fine with hi...

Staff Writer

Coreena Cato

Coreena is a Junior who strives to graduate in January 2026, She turns 17 this month on the 26th. She has passion for fashion and clothing, she owns her very own clothing brand that she started at 15 years old. Although this ...

Ollie Stabell
Staff Writer

Ollie Stabell

 Ollie is a Junior at ACE, arrived in January-February of 2024 and wishes to graduate in January 2026. They currently work at a Dunkin and do after school theater at Danbury High School. Her favorite colors are a natural green, pin...

Staff Writer

Taylore Buie

Taylore is a junior this year at ACE, She’s planning on graduating and traveling and going to school to be an ultrasound nurse/tech. Her favorite color is hot pink. She enjoys watching movies/shows, eating out, and listening to mu...

Staff Writer

Leo Sanchez

Leo is a senior at ACE who hopes to graduate at the end of the school year 2025. He is a cool person who doesn't really say much. He works and likes to stack his money so that he feels as if he accomplished something, althoug...

Staff Writer

Andres Torres

Andres is a Senior at the Alternative Center of Excellence who hopes to graduate in June of 2025. He loves hanging out with his friends and he's a brother of two: an older brother and a younger sister which makes Andres the ...

Staff Writer

Jordy Rivera

Jordy Rivera is a Junior at the Alternative Center for Excellence who expects too graduate in 2026. He is 16 years old and likes too chill out and play soccer a lot. He loves soccer because he grew up playing soccer with his fami...

Staff Writer

Lilly Saldanha

This is Emily's mixed breed sweet dog whose name is Chai.
Staff Writer

Emily Reinoso

Emily Reinoso was born on June 2. She's in 10th grade. She says her favorite subject is math because she's really good at it. One thing you should know about Emily is her favorite color is pink. Emily also had a dog named Chai...

Khriselynn Rivera
Staff Writer

Khriselynn Rivera

Dayanara Burgos-Ramos
Staff Writer

Dayanara Burgos-Ramos

Meet Dayanara, She is one of the kindest, funniest and realest people you will get to know. She always brings conversation and good vibes into the room. Dayanara is a Junior at ACE who doesn't play when it comes to her education....

Mackenzie Guasco
Staff Writer

Mackenzie Guasco

This is Mackenzie! To most of her friends and family it's Kenzie or Kenz. In her free time she likes to hangout with friends and family or watch Greys Anatomy or teaching herself a new song on the keyboard, guitar, or drums. Mac...

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