Storm Crashes ACE Christmas Celebrations
Ludmila Conceicao and Tyler Scherer
ACE prepares for Santa’s arrival on December 17th and canceled parties on the 23rd!
January 11, 2023
The awaiting morning of December 23rd, 2022. ACE was supposed to be hosting Christmas celebrations for the holidays. The celebrations would have been held by every guidance. Plans to eat, talk and partake in fun activities were all shut down due to a storm.
Coming back from the break on January 5th, 2023 I interviewed two of my fellow classmates. I first started with Tyler Scherer. When opening the interview with Tyler, I asked the question. “Were you surprised that there was no school on December 23rd, 2022?” His response was, “ No because all the other schools in Connecticut were off”. This illustrates that Tyler was indeed not surprised at all about the cancellation of school on December 23rd. The following question I asked Tyler is, “ what did you do to spend your time on break?” His reply to that question was, “ I picked up Micheal, went to Chick-Fil-A, went to PetCo, came home to play star wars legos with Micheal to then later buy him dinner.” This describes what Tyler did on the day of December 23rd.
Following Tyler’s interview, I interviewed my other fellow classmate Cole Ferrentino. To set forth Cole’s interview, I started off with this question “What were your vacation plans?” Her counter was, “My plans were to see my ex, he broke up with me, so I did not go, and made him refund me.” This emphasizes plenty of how Cole has spent her holiday vacation. The next question I asked her was, “Were you upset that the school was canceled on December 23rd?” Her reply was, “Yes because I am really looking forward to the guidance holiday celebrations. ”This illustrates how upset Cole was to miss out on the plans that were originally planned on December 23rd.
Interviewing both of my classmates and foreseeing their different perspectives on how our ACE holiday celebrations were canceled has helped me understand more.