Spooky Times at ACE Spirit Week
Picture was taken on ACE Color day
November 1, 2022
The week of Oct.24, 2022 to Oct. 31, 2022 at ACE, we had a Spirit Week which included all things from color wars to pajama day. Students and teachers were all dressed up in their favorite outfits of the day. There were 6 different days , Monday: Pajama day, Tuesday: anything but a backpack day, Wednesday: ACE colors (which was wearing red and black clothing), Thursday: Twin day, Friday: Color wars (Each Guidance group was given a certain color), and Monday again which was Halloween so people dressed up in their favorite costumes.
I asked a few students and teachers around the school what their favorite days were from spirit week. Savannah, aka ‘HORSE LADY’, told me her favorite day of the week was school color day, which many others said as well. Daniela, who is one of our lovely English teachers, also said her favorite day was ACE colors day. Kyle, who is one of ACE’s whimsical social studies teachers as well as a music teacher, explained his favorite day from ACE spirit week was, “Color wars since it brings our Guidance groups together.” The next question I asked my fellow interviewees was “Did you enjoy ACE spirit week?”
When I asked the interviewees if they enjoyed Ace spirit week, most people said they didn’t really enjoy it this year because not everyone participated. Daniela stated, “I think it’s a great tradition and creates a great community for us.” Kyle said, “I think ACE Spirit Week is good due to spirit week creating a great community for our school.”
I also asked what they would like to change about it or tweak to make it better for students to participate in. Ezekiel said, “..the only day I truly enjoyed was pajama day.”
From the information that I gathered, most students expressed that spirit week needs more participation to make it have the ACE spirit we all know and love.
So how can we fix it?