Rob Melillo is one of our teachers who goes above and beyond his teaching responsibilities. He helps Dawn during breakfast and lunch. Our science teacher, Katja, reveals, “There’s a good amount he helps with Dawn for breakfast and lunch.” He supports and organizes ACE Thanksgiving and does a lot of work behind the scenes to make it happen. Katja also explains that he gets Stew Leonard’s to donate 30 turkeys, lots of pie, and works with Abbott Tech’s culinary program to have the food prepared and ready for Thanksgiving. She adds that “He’s the president of CASP; he’s a good teacher.” Another teacher he works closely with is Gelenda, and she says, “He represents us across the state for alternative schools; for parents night, he and I are usually the last ones here; for Thanksgiving, he takes the remaining food to the soup kitchen.”
Some students enjoy choosing Rob’s flex activities because it’s a place of peace and quiet. Sometimes he offers fun opportunities, such as playing games, like Uno, word puzzles, and coloring, but most of the time it’s a place where you can take time to do what you need, even if it is to sit in silence, hang out with friends, or do some missing assignments from different classes.
I’m writing this article to show Rob how much we love and appreciate him for all his hard work because he doesn’t have to do the amount work for our events, someone else can do it, but he still does it for the love of the ACE community