On March 21st, everyone at ACE spent the day doing many different things and had a busy day. The seniors went to visit both the Danbury and Waterbury campuses to see what it’s like and if it’s something that seems interesting to them while others spent time doing the SATS.
Anthony and Diana gathered the seniors going on the trip and headed to the Danbury campus which is located at 7 West St. When we arrived at the building, we met with Scott Farrel who talked to us about the school and gave us a tour of it. The campus isn’t very big but it has so many great things to offer.
When we finished visiting the Danbury campus, we got back in the van and headed to Waterbury where Scott met us and gave us a tour of the different buildings. The Waterbury campus is much larger than the Danbury campus. In Waterbury, one of the members talked to us and worked on delivering the message that one needed to make sure one enjoyed the job or else it will be draining in the long run. He talked to us about how if you’re an X-RAY tech, you meet so many different people but it’s not where you create a strong connection with them.
We got to see the many things that NVCC has to offer. Walking the halls, we got to see people playing pool, selling bracelets, and people just spending time in the cafeteria together. We sat down and ate pizza while Scott handed us papers and talked to us more about the college before going to view the theater that NVCC has. He encouraged us to apply for FAFSA so we could attend college gratis.

Diana talking about the trip said, “I thought we saw a lot of diversity at the Waterbury campus.” The trip was overall a great experience for everyone we learned so much about this community college. This a great college for you to get started at so If you want to attend an affordable college you should look into NVCC and see what it has to offer for you.