The Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut awarded five thousand dollars to Brookfield Craft Center to give an opportunity to students at ACE to participate in an after school arts program.
Anthony, who is one of our math teachers, had been thinking of doing an after school program so he reached out to Valerie Culbertson who would be able to help start the program with grants to help fund the arts program. This is how The Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut was able to fund the Brookfield Arts Center along with Hallows Nature.
This is the first year this program has been on. It started its first session at Brookfield Arts Center on 2nd of February with eight students. Four students did woodwork with David Heim and the other four forging with Chris Doherty. Genesis, one of the students who did woodwork, said “I would do it again. It gave me some adrenaline and distraction.” Her colleague who did forging had this to say “I had fun hitting the metal and just simply going.”

The second session for this program will start April 5th to 17th of May. The program is for six weeks every Friday. These sessions will be for ceramics and woodworking sans forging.

Brookfield Craft Center offers forging, ceramics, glasswork, jewelry, special interest, photography, drawing, painting, sculpting and digital media.