When the coronavirus struck it shocked everybody. Sudden changes in everybody’s life and everything around us. This was a big unforeseen turning point for all kinds of businesses, the economy, and just the environment as a whole. A sudden stop in everyone’s lives and having to strictly isolate and not know anything further. No one knew what was going to change, but we were there to live through it.
Youth & Education
Here I’d like to talk about how mainly anyone who was in school had to deal with major changes. From kindergarten all the way to senior year in high school students would attend school in person. There were programs to give extra help to kids who needed it, there was physical activity and helping students learn social skills. This all suddenly changed on March 13, 2020 when all schools were reported to be closed for two weeks. But then two weeks changed to be the rest of the school year. This brief period from March to June students were to just complete the work posted by the end of the night, no online classes. This was simple for the sudden change but wouldn’t be considered for the long run.
New Year, New System
Once the new school year was beginning everything felt a little off. Waking up and going straight to your computer. The first few days of just getting used to the new ways but soon having to really try and focus. Everyone has different perspectives, some students enjoy the isolation and can work better alone, but some just need that face to face contact. But also not everyone had the luxury of having a desk and a workspace. Being at home things can be more personal and private, especially with having to have your camera on.
Student Opinions
Since time went by and students are starting to adjust back to normal, information has been gathered about students’ experiences with online school.
Haley, is a young female who is now in her senior year of highschool, she was in online school her freshman year. That is already a drastic curveball as she is entering a new era and can’t experience it in person. She stated that she had done better in person rather than online school. She claimed she couldn’t get extra help as easily as in person. She also claimed it didn’t feel the same when coming back in person again.
Ciana, is also a young female who is also in her senior year and was affected as a freshmen. But she says the opposite about online school and how she thrived during this time. Her reasoning being that she can work at her own pace and didn’t like being around students all the time. But she did say the same about not enjoying returning to school as well.
Victoria, is a female who was a senior at the time of online school. She claimed that this was a loss of her senior year and she couldn’t get to experience it all. She also claimed that she maintained okay during the year but always working from home did make her a bit lazier.
Slowly getting better
Once the school year had passed and everyone had gotten through the google meets and zoom phase it was almost back to normal. Except things still felt different with going back in person, especially with masks. Now we are in 2023, three years since March 13, the day everything changed for schools.