What is ACE? ACE is a school where everyone is safe and welcome – a place to start over and reinvent yourself in a positive way. ACE allows us to grow and keep going. They love seeing their students prosper. When it comes to our education, we have lots of fun while also learning and maintaining a level of independence and strength. That’s what ACE is. But Did you know that there are rumors that the Alternative Center for Excellence is haunted?
This school used to be Locust Avenue School and who knows what happened back then ……….. I interviewed a few of the teachers who I heard have experienced abnormal activity and those who have stayed in school late at night. I ask about their experience with this. Here’s what they had to tell me.
Daniela, an English teacher at ACE who’s been here 10 years stated, “About eight years ago, I was working late at night in my classroom which is in the basement. There was no one else in the building and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something fly through the hallway. I wanted to hope it was a bat or something but either way I ran as fast as I could straight out of the building.”
Rob, a Social Studies teacher who has been in the building for 17 years claimed, “I never saw anything abnormal but when you’re the only person in the building at 11 o’clock at night, being pitch black outside is very creepy. The building is very eerie (spooky and or creepy) and you just want to do what you need to do and get out.”
Ashlee, the youngest and most recent teacher at ACE, says, “When you stay here at night the lights look off and you feel a presence looking at you.“
I also asked Melisa, another English teacher who’s been here at ACE for 10 years, if she has ever experienced any abnormal activity in the building and what rumors has she heard about any scary or abnormal activity in or around the building. She stated, “All I really have heard is that there was a girl who died in the well. I don’t really know if that’s true or not, but I have also heard from previous staff members that late at night they hear footsteps in the hallway. Our former lunch lady used to say that her lunch supplies would be moved around when she placed them somewhere specific. I have had one experience where my closet door started rattling and there was nothing that I knew of that could make it rattle. “

With all these stories, quotes and rumors, who knows if ACE is really haunted.
Are these stories true ? Nobody really knows………..Nobody can explain why these paranormal activities happen and why these stories take place here at ACE