ACE Awards

Photo by Mackenzie Guasco

Lulu in front of our ACE awards for the 2022/2023 School Year.

¨For at least 30 years, ACE  has been giving out awards that recognize students for doing well and motivate other students to try and be successful.¨  – John Webber.

ACE has a range of awards students can win: ACE of Hearts awarded for caring and compassion, ACE of Spades for hard work,  ACE of Diamonds for honors, ACE of Clubs for attendance, CABE leadership awards, and the superintendent’s award for community service. Additionally, each awards ceremony presents two students of the month. 

We hope all students will be aware of the ACE monthly awards and congratulate the winners! Many thanks to DJ for keeping our bulletin board up to date.

To catch up – here are the monthly winners for this school year so far!

Students of the Month: Katia, Tyler S, Brianna G, Cameron, Kaylee, Chris P, Kassie, Haley S, Tim, Brianna V, Cole F, Genesis A., Haley S.

ACE of Hearts: Lulu, Genesis A, CiCI, Kassie, Haley S, Justin

ACE of Spades: Cole, Kaylee, Leo, Genesis A, Savannah