ACE Graduates 2010 by Ashley Scott
June 22, 2010
I am happy to be one of this year graduates from Alternative Center for Excellence. I know that I will be attending Post University in the fall of next year, but I did not know what other members of my class were doing.
When I asked seniors at ACE what their plans were after graduation there were different responses. Lauren Symon’s response was, “I plan on taking some online classes and I want to get a second job to make some extra money.” Rick Cherico will be joining the Marines after graduation. Most students will be furthering their education through vocational training and college. Nine students have already made plans to attend Naugatuck Community College and others will be attending vocational programs at places like Paul Mitchell and Job Corps.
When I asked students who they would like to thank or who inspire them they responded in different ways. Dana Almonte wants to thank her mother and her Guidance teacher Joanne. Mary Wooster wants to thank all the teachers at ACE and her family. Ingrid Kiviniemi wants to thank her guidance teacher Anthony. Amandaly wants to thank Glenda for all her help. Jessica McGee wants to thank all the people in her life right now.
Students had messages for those who are undergraduates. Katelyn Murphy responsded, “My message to those who will still be in high school is to calm down. All these people you’re in school with won’t be around in 10, 15 years. The petty drama and the ‘he said/ she said’ doesn’t matter in the long run. You need to just do your work, focus on what you want out of life, and forget the childish and cruel people who try to bring you down.
Sharhonda Perkins responded, “Stay focused and try your best. Push yourself.” Shane Thomas responded, “Don’t stop; continue until you get it done. Never Quit.”
I feel happy knowing that I am graduating and I wanted to know if other seniors feel that they are more independent like I do. When I asked how seniors felt about the change they responded in many different ways. From Angel Benitez who wrote “Yeah, I earned it!” to Jesenia Rios who wrote, “Yes I do feel different because I feel more independent,” seniors look at graduation as a time of change.
Picture of ACE seniors to come….