Teenage Pregnancy has become more of a problem over the past few years. The numbers of pregnant teen has increased. As has the number of teens dropping out of school. There are a handful of girls in the Danbury District Area who are becoming pregnant every year. But for them, their options are very limited. There is also a question that Even Start might be coming to an end?
Every year one out of three the women who become pregnant in the United States are teenage girls. More than 80% of these women who become pregnant become pregnant unintentionally. This eventually takes in a big impact on teenagers when it comes to school because their options are VERY limited. Usually seven out of ten adolescents drop out of high school when they are pregnant. And only one out of three obtains their high school diplomas.
This year the economy has gotten even worse. Even for the schools; including Even Start. In Even Start today there are twelve teenage moms: eight mothers with babies already and four who are pregnant. There has been a rumor that has been questioned whether Even Start will be closing or not. Well the truth is that the early childhood portion has become a head start. They are going to be collaborating with early Head Start and with this the teenage girls will be served. Even Start is going to be located at Mill ridge Intermediate School. Classes for the teen mothers will be offered as well.
I had interviewed a teen mother who is to be expecting. I had asked her: “When you first found out that you were pregnant, how did you react?” And she had answered: “I was first off scared because I didn’t know how I would be able to finish school. But I had to be also prepared for the out come and consequences with having a baby in high school.” –anonymous.
There is a different situation for everyone and their cases when it comes to having a baby at such a young age. Peoples’ options are very limited but there is always a way out or way to help their situations.